It remains to be seen whether Franco and Hathaway's attempts to
make the ceremony more modern and accessible for younger viewers was
successful enough to ensure similar hosts next year, or whether
producers will go back to a veteran host like Billy Crystal.
the awards, Franco said: 'Nobody thinks I'm Chris Rock or Billy
Crystal. I can try anything and nobody has high expectations, so nobody
cares if I'm not great.'

number: Anne donned a tuxedo to perform a rendition of On My Own, with
jokes directed at former duet partner Hugh Jackman
for fashion: However, Anne did get to go for stylish outfits for the
rest of the evening, indulging in an astonishing eight costume changes
throughout the ceremony
Hathaway had added: 'I love the Oscars. I do. I think it's wonderful. I love being an actor.
feel like the luckiest girl in the whole wide world, and this is just a
continuation of the amazing fortune and remarkable and unusual
experiences I've gotten to have in my life.
'I couldn't be more grateful.'
Famous faces: James posted pictures on his website of himself and Anne with Oprah Winfrey and Billy Crystal
Twittering away: James updated followers on Twitter with realtime messages as he co-hosted the ceremony

Lady in red: Anne later changed into a sparkling red gown as she posed at the Vanity Fair party with Colin Firth